Bart Walker ” Springtime in the City”
Sergio Lopez “Mustard & Old Vines”
Dave Sellers “Spring Attire”
Michael Wood “The Music of Spring”
Paul Kratter “California Dreaming”
Allen Figone “MaCallum House, Spring in Mendocino”
Kyle Paliotto “Ready to Go”
Tammy Callens “Sweet Aroma” sold
Bart Walker “Mendocino Spring”
Paul Kratter “Cedar Waxwing”
Sergio Lopez “New Year Daffodils”
Dave Sellers “A New Season Among Old Oaks”
Allen Figone “California Gold”
Bart Walker “Olema Ridge Calf”
Paul Kratter “Before the Winds”
Sergio Lopez “Evening at Suttonfield Lake”
Dave Sellers “Warm Light & Cool Shadows”
Allen Figone “Poppies in Big Sur”
Sergio Lopez “Winter Jubilation”
Paul Kratter “Cardinal”
Bart Walker “Walk in the Garden”
F. Michael Wood “A Field of Wishes & Dreams”
Sergio Lopez “Tufted Poppies & Blue Dicks”
Paul Kratter “Spring Song”
Sergio Lopez “The Farm By The Estero” sold